Lydia Clarie Whiteley, 18 months old, the most important item in Mummy and Daddy's world . . . and she knows it :) So bathtime is always a fun event. One week after the doctor put tubes in her ears and everything is great. I swear she can hear so much better, though she still chooses to ignore us when she is being naughty! Selective hearing is the name of that condition. Not curable as far as we know. Anyhow, as you can tell, she loves bathtime and is now completely OK with us washing her hair (she used to hate it). Probably the numerous ear infections.
don't you even think about it!!
errr . . . awkward camera moment
. . . and how else would you celebrate such a wonderful time in the bath?? By drinking the dirty bath water of course. Nice!
So I haven't done this for months . . . I actually did a shoot that wasn't classed as work. Nice! Olivia, ( invited me to come along and help at her shoot with Brooke (the aspiring model). Brooke, who is 17 years old (going on 27) is well on her way to the world of modeling. She is about 8 ft tall (6ft really), has an amazing look and is a complete sweetheart. I am positive the agencies will be stumbling over each other to get her signed up. Thanks again to her parents who have this amazing property with horses, barns etc. They were a lot of fun. Dad, call me when you have the cow on the BBQ. Good luck Brooke! Don't forget about us when you are famous. Thanks again to Olivia for the invite. These are just some snaps I took while Olivia worked her magic.
So a long time friend of mine came to vsisit from the UK the other week. We had a blast and she shared with me some exciting travel plans that are looming on the horizon for her . . . a world tour no less!! Luck thing. So as a quick appetizer, we did a day tour of Newport. In particular the Breakers mansion and a sailing cruise. Very cool! Good luck on your travels mate. Miss ya!
'Fog Surfing'
The dangers of surfing near concrete walls . . .
Something a little more serene?
Point that camera somewhere else will you?
Newport Naval Academy School of Knots and Rope Etiquette .
I have called this print, 'Wooden Post with Rope'
Aaaargh . . . and now for a quick sail aboard the Rupert Whiteley Photography Schooner. As you can see, Vanessa hates having her picture taken!
Some of my deck-hands . . . keeping an eye out for other vessels
The driver
More rope . . . or as we call it in England . . . 'Big String'