Monday, February 25, 2008

Lydia's wardrobe antics

For health and safety reasons, thank god she didn't go into my wardrobe!


Friday, February 15, 2008

Blowing the dust from some old negatives

Wow . . . found some old negatives from way back. Enjoy.

This was the ferry port in Manhattan, NY:

"Hi, could you tell me where I could find some shoes?" From memory this was in a rather scary bowling alley in Chicago.

July 4th parade . . . Michigan.

Crystal Lake, Michigan just before a rather large storm hit.

Sunset surfing in San Francisco. A great time to catch a wave. Also prime Shark-feeding time, so I am told.

Local man . . . looking out for Sharks, San Francisco.

Northern Beaches, Sydney Australia.

A perfect cup of coffee, somewhere in the rain forest . . . Queensland, Australia

Monday, February 11, 2008

A trip to the zoo . . . followed by a brief stop at vomit city :(

" . . . 'tis the season", so I am told. We thought we had escaped the various vomit bugs that have been floating around for the past few weeks. It seems that just about everyone has caught something this winter . . . and I thought it was our superior imune systems that had kept us in the clear so far. Not so. After a lovely little trip to Buttonwood Zoo yesterday, little Lydia hurled in the car seat . . . and then continued until about 7am this morning. Poor little thing. Thankfully she is alot better today though. Nothing quite as upsetting as seeing your little one be so sick. Anyhow, here are a handful of the zoo picks (pre-vomit). If you are wondering where the Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Rhinos etc are . . . there aren't any. They do have a nice ride-on train though.

Lydia contemplating climbing into the Wolve's cage.

The very rare New Bedford 'porcus stoneus' (thats Latin for a Pig made out of stone by the way).

Believe it or not, this was where the Chickens lived. Chickens can be quite nasty sometimes. Especially if you don't cook them properly.

" er . . . one of us is in the wrong place . . ."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Winter engagement . . . with a little frostbite on the side :)

Love this couple . . . so much fun. John & Stacia are getting hitched later this year and we thought a little engagement session might be fun. Aldrich Mansion is so beautiful; thanks to the ladies there for giving us access and thanks to the happy couple for being so patient in below freezing temps. Enjoy!